B-Cure Laser Vet is a medical device based on LLLT (Low-Level Laser Therapy) that reduces pain and inflammation and accelerates the natural healing process. B-Cure Laser Vet is based on LLLT (Low-Level Laser Therapy) technology, also known as Cold Laser, Soft Laser, or Phototherapy Laser. The device emits a low-level laser beam in the range of 1-1000mW. It is a coherent monochromatic light beam with one defined wavelength that moves in one phase and one direction. Being an LLLT based device, B-Cure Laser Vet exerts photochemical effects rather than thermal effects on living tissues. Therefore, it works on the skin surface while simultaneously penetrating deeply through the skin tissue without heating and without damaging the skin. Biostimulation: When laser light is absorbed by living tissue, it triggers biological reactions in the cells. Various endogenous chemical substances are produced in the cells and carried by the blood and lymphatic flow to other parts of the system. Hence, the effects of cold laser light may be more than only local and can also achieve broad systemic results. It is essential to point out that the B-Cure Laser Vet relieves pain and treats the source of the problem. B-Cure Laser Vet treats acute and long-term pain: Orthopedic problems such as osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia, muscle pain, sprains, tendonitis, rheumatism in the knees, neck, lower back, upper back, ankles, and fingers, inflammation, and ear infection. In the field of dermatology in wounds, and burn. No protective goggles needed in Due to its innovative electro-optic mechanism, the wide energy distribution enables the use of the B-Cure Laser device without requiring protective goggles for eye safety.