Heartgard for Cats 5-15lbs 6 Doses


Offered from Merial the Heart Health solution you need. Purchase Heartgard for Cats 5-15lbs 6 Doses from Vet Approved Rx through links to support this site. Get Heartgard for Cats 5-15lbs 6 Doses today. Click Buy Now below.

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Benefits: Effective treatment against heartworm for cats Safe and effective, Heartgard is approved by the FDA Once-a-month beef-flavored chewable What you should know about Heartworms and your Cat: It isn't just dogs that can get heartworm disease – cats are susceptible too. Heartworm disease is a potentially life threatening illness caused by a parasite transmitted by mosquitoes. Feline heartworm disease is an increasingly recognized problem – clinical research indicates that it takes as few as one or two heartworms to cause severe illness or sudden death in cats. As we know only too well, mosquitoes can get inside a house very easily. So, it's important that your cat be protected all year long from this risk by giving him/her an easy to take heartworm preventive for cats. How does Heartgard for Cats work?:Heartgard for cats prevents feline heartworm disease by eliminating the tissue stage of heartworm larvae Dirofilaria immitis for a month 30 days after infection, and for the removal and control of adult and immature hookworms Ancylostoma tubaeforme and A. braziliense. Cautions: Keep out of reach of children Heartgard is manufactured by and is a registered trademark of Merial. The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only and is intended to be a supplement to, and not a substitute for, the expertise and professional judgment of your veterinarian. We reference Merial as the source for our information. You should always consult your own veterinarian for specific advice concerning the diagnosis, and treatment of your pet. As stated the information provided is for educational purposes to aid you in purchasing your pet's medication, it is not a substitute for a veterinary exam, nor does this information suggest that this medication will be tolerated by your pet or that your pet will not experience side effects.Note: Any trademarks are the property of their respective companies. Heartgard for Cats 5-15lbs 6 Doses. I do not receive this product or any others in exchange for this article, I do get a commission for readers clicking the buy now links which helps to differ the cost of hosting this blog and I sincerely hope this article site helps you with your search for Vet Approved Rx products.