Ovitrol X Tend Flea and Tick Spot On for Cats Small Cats [2.5-5lbs] 3 months


Offered from VetKem the Flea & Tick solution you need. Purchase Ovitrol X Tend Flea and Tick Spot On for Cats Small Cats [2.5-5lbs] 3 months from Vet Approved Rx through links to support this site. Get Ovitrol X Tend Flea and Tick Spot On for Cats Small C

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Benefits: Protection for 30 days, 3 month supply Kills deer ticks, fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae and mosquitoes For cat and kittens 12 weeks of age or older Active Ingredients: Etofenprox 40.0%. S-Methoprene 3.6%. Administration:To open: Use finger scoop to lift open yellow door. LOAD: To load, place tube WHITE SIDE UP under the yellow tab. CLOSE: Close the yellow door and the tube will snap open. To Apply: The cat/kitten should be standing for easy application. To apply, use tip to part hair and get next to cat's/kitten's skin. Press square on yellow door and squeeze the entire contents of the tube onto the cat's/kitten's skin. Do not spread this product by hand over the cat/kitten. Do not bathe the cat/kitten within the first 24 hours after product has been applied. Households with more than one cat/kitten should prevent cats/kittens from grooming each other until solution has dried. Disposal: To dispose of empty tube, open yellow door and drop empty tube into trash or offer for recycling, if available. Close applicator device door and store in original package. USE Cautions: Do not reapply product for 30 days. Do not retreat more than once per month. Ovitrol X Tend Flea and Tick Spot On for Cats Small Cats [2.5-5lbs] 3 months. I do not receive this product or any others in exchange for this article, I do get a commission for readers clicking the buy now links which helps to differ the cost of hosting this blog and I sincerely hope this article site helps you with your search for Vet Approved Rx products.