Tool Klean Anti-Microbial UVC Light Stainless Steel Tabletop Room Sanitizer


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Tool Kleanfts Anti-Microbial UVC Light Tabletop Room Sanitizer is portable, compact, and strong. Built with commercial-grade stainless steel, the tabletop features a 100W bulb, which is the strongest UVC energy available on a tabletop unit. Additionally, the tabletop comes with an extra bulb for your convenience. Anti-Microbial UVC Light Tabletop Room Sanitizer Features: Durable stainless-steel body with a highly reflective surface for enhanced UVC light treatments 100 W high-quality tempered quartz glass bulb for optimum light radiance The bulb offers 10,000 hours of efficiency Bulb intensity and wavelength in“ 210 uW/cm2 253.7 nm A delayed timer to allow time to leave premises before treatment Convenient remote control The strong ring at the top can be used for hanging the sanitizer if desired Excellent for both commercial and home use