Heartgard Plus for Dogs – Up to 25 lbs – 6 Doses


Offered from Merial the Heart Health solution you need. Purchase Heartgard Plus for Dogs – Up to 25 lbs – 6 Doses from Vet Approved Rx through links to support this site. Get Heartgard Plus for Dogs – Up to 25 lbs – 6 Doses today. Click Buy Now below.

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All dogs should be tested for existing heartworm infection before starting treatment with HEARTGARD Plus which is not effective against adult D. immitis. Infected dogs must be treated to remove adult heartworms and microfilariae before initiating a program with HEARTGARD Plus.How does Heartgard Plusfor Dogs work?:Heartgard Plus for dogs works to prevent canine heartworm disease by eliminating the tissue stage of heartworm larvae Dirofilaria immitis for a month 30 days after infection and for the treatment and control of ascarids Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina and hookworms Ancylostoma caninum, Uncinaria stenocephala, Ancylostoma braziliense. DOSAGE: HEARTGARD&reg Plus ivermectin/pyrantel Chewables should be administered orally at monthly intervals at the recommended minimum dose level of 6 mcg of ivermectin per kilogram 2.72 mcg/lb and 5 mg of pyrantel as pamoate salt per kg 2.27 mg/lb of body weight. The recommended dosing schedule for prevention of canine heartworm disease and for the treatment and control of ascarids and hookworms is as follows: WeightTablet Per MonthCarton Up to 25 1 Blue 26 to 50 1 Green 51 to 100 1 Brown HEARTGARD Plus is recommended for dogs 6 weeks of age and older. For dogs over 100 lb use the appropriate combination of these Chewables. How do I give Heartgard Plus to my dog?: Remove only one chewable at a time from the foil-backed blister card. Return the card with the remaining Chewables to its box to protect the product from light. Because most dogs find HEARTGARD Plus palatable, the product can be offered to the dog by hand. Alternatively, it may be added intact to a small amount of dog food. The chewable should be administered in a manner that encourages the dog to chew, rather than to swallow without chewing. Chewables may be broken into pieces and fed to dogs that normally swallow treats whole. Care should be taken that the dog consumes the complete dose, and treated animalsshould be observed for a few minutes after administration to ensure that part of the dose is not lost or rejected. If it is suspected that any of the dose has been lost, redosing is recommended. How often do I give Heartgard to my dog?:HEARTGARD Plus should be given at monthly intervals during the period of the year when mosquitoes vectors, potentially carrying infective heartworm larvae, are active. The initial dose must be given within a month 30 days after the dog&rsquos first exposure to mosquitoes. The final dose must be given within a month 30 days after the dog&rsquos last exposure to mosquitoes. When replacing another heartworm preventive product in a heartworm disease prevention program, the first dose of HEARTGARD Plus must be given within a month 30 days of the last dose of the former medication. If the interval between doses exceeds a month 30 days, the efficacy of ivermectin can be reduced. Therefore, for optimal performance, the Chewable must be given once a month on or about the same day of the month. If treatment is delayed, whether by a few days or many, immediate treatment with HEARTGARD Plus and resumption of the recommended dosing regimen will minimize the opportunity for the development of adult heartworms. Monthly treatment with HEARTGARD Plus also provides effective treatment and control of ascarids T. canis, T. leonina and hookworms A. caninum, U. stenocephala, A. braziliense. Clients should be advised of measures to be taken to prevent reinfection with intestinal parasites. Heartgard Plus for Dogs – Up to 25 lbs – 6 Doses. I do not receive this product or any others in exchange for this article, I do get a commission for readers clicking the buy now links which helps to differ the cost of hosting this blog and I sincerely hope this article site helps you with your search for Vet Approved Rx products.