Vetera EWT 10ml for Pets


Offered from Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica the Vaccines solution you need. Purchase Vetera EWT 10ml for Pets from Vet Approved Rx through links to support this site. Get Vetera EWT 10ml for Pets today. Click Buy Now below.


Administration and Dosage: Shake well before use. Using aseptic technique, inoculate horses intramuscularly with a 1 mL dose. Administer a second 1 mL dose intramuscularly in 3-4 weeks using a different injection site. Revaccinate annually and prior to anticipated exposure with a single 1 mL intramuscular dose. Precautions: Store at 35-45&degF 2-7&degC. Protect from freezing. Do not vaccinate within 21 days before slaughter. Use entire contents when first opened. Anaphylactoid reactions may occur following use. Antidote: Epinephrine. This product has been tested under laboratory conditions and shown to meet all Federal standards for safety and efficacy in normal, healthy, immunocompetent animals. This level of performance may be affected by conditions such as stress, weather, nutrition, disease, parasitism, other treatments, individual idiosyncrasies, or impaired immunological competency. These factors should be considered by the user when evaluating product performance or freedom from reactions. Preservatives: Gentamicin and Amphotericin B. Vetera EWT 10ml. I do not receive this product or any others in exchange for this article, I do get a commission for readers clicking the buy now links which helps to differ the cost of hosting this blog and I sincerely hope this article site helps you with your search for Vet Approved Rx products.