The Feline Serenity Suite offers the low – stress features of our Feline Comfort Suites in a Stainless Steel housing. The spacious unit gives felines room to roam and make choices, which studies show lowers stress and helps cats stay healthier. This unit features two units stacked on a mobile platform–each suite has a 24W x 30H main living area and an 18W x 30H litter area. Product features: The Tri – Door has grill at the top and bottom for ventilation and a polycarbonate band at pet eye level for a clear view. The quiet – closing latch provides a near – silent close. The Tri – Door is standard but Tri – Door with Viewing Dome or Polycarbonate doors are optional. The large (18inW) litter area is full cage height to allow proper elimination posturing, which reduces boarding stress. The litter grill on top gives ventilation and a polycarbonate bottom area offers a clip for records. Tight spacing at the latch to protect paws. Rounded corners for easy cleaning. A Kat Portal allows the pet to pass between litter and main units. You can use the portal door to close off access for cleaning or medical reasons. Popular options include the Kat Kave that provides both lounging and hiding options and the Privacy Quiet – Time Cover to reduce stress in post – op or for shy felines. Standard main units are 24inW, 30inW or 42inW with an 18inW litter attached at left or right side. All units are 28¼inD.